§ 72-11-210. Passenger ropeways -- Additional powers and duties of committee.  

Latest version.
  •      The committee may:
    (1) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, make rules establishing:
    (a) public safety in the design, construction, and operation of passenger ropeways that:
    (i) adopt the American National Standard for Passenger Ropeways;
    (ii) modify the standard under Subsection (1)(a)(i); or
    (iii) establish an equivalent standard; and
    (b) the annual registration date;
    (2) hold hearings and take evidence in all matters relating to the exercise and performance of the powers and duties vested in the committee;
    (3) subpoena witnesses;
    (4) administer oaths;
    (5) compel the testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and records relevant to any inquiry;
    (6) approve, deny, revoke, and renew the registrations provided for in this chapter;
    (7) cause the prosecution and enjoinder of all persons violating the provisions of this chapter and incur the necessary expenses;
    (8) elect officers and adopt a seal which may be affixed to all registrations issued by the committee; and
    (9) employ, within the funds available, and prescribe the duties of a secretary and other personnel as the committee considers necessary.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session